Lock is a small application by which you can easily lock your device from anywhere. It will help in increasing the life of power button. As Xperia™ Z5 series has fingerprint sensor on power button, it will also save it from unnecessary clicks. Just try it to get faster unlocks via fingerprint sensor.
[ SmApEx4SoPr ] Small Apps extension for Sony products
• Easy to use small app with just 2 clicks to lock the device or you can make it 1 if you are using Launcher Small App by placing a shortcut on the home screen.
For Android M
Smart Lock (Fingerprint) will not work when using this to lock the screen. Its an Android API internal issue, hope Google will fix it in the future updates.
1. Go to Settings > Security > Device Administrator.
2. Click on Lock > Deactivate. It will deactivate the administrator.
3. Now, you can uninstall it normally.
- Deactivate Device Administration (Settings > Security > Device Administrators) for Lock before uninstalling.
- In case of bugs/issues, please contact me via email before making any review.
- This is an Ad-free app. Buy my other apps to support development.
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Xperia™ is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Mobile Communications Inc.